I specialize in computer vision, machine learning, and image processing. I completed my PhD in computer vision and machine learning at the Australian National University. I also received a Master of Engineering from Xidian University and a Bachelor of Engineering from Huaqiao University. I am grateful for being supervised by and collaborating with Prof. Richard Hartley, Prof. Stephen Gould, Dr. Thalaiyasingam Ajanthan, Prof. Lei Zhang, Prof. Mengdao Xing, Prof. Gui Feng, etc.
Selected Publications
Topics: ✽deep declarative networks, ✾diffusion models, ✤Markov random fields, ❁neuron pruning, and ❊generic topics.
Papers and Preprints
- Weakly-supervised depth estimation and image deblurring via dual-pixel sensorsLiyuan Pan, Richard Hartley, Liu Liu, Zhiwei Xu, Shah Chowdhury, Yan Yang, Hongguang Zhang, Hongdong Li, and Miaomiao LiuIEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2024
- Joint active and passive beamforming for IRS-assisted monostatic backscatter systems: an unsupervised learning approachSahar Idrees, Salman Durrani, Zhiwei Xu, Xiaolun Jia, and Xiangyun ZhouIEEE Transactions on Machine Learning in Communications and Networking, 2024[ preprint ]
- IMPUS: image morphing with perceptually-uniform sampling using diffusion modelsZhaoyuan Yang, Zhengyang Yu, Zhiwei Xu, Jaskirat Singh, Jing Zhang, Dylan Campbell, Peter Tu, and Richard HartleyInternational Conference on Learning Representations, 2024
- Adversarial purification with the manifold hypothesisZhaoyuan Yang, Zhiwei Xu, Jing Zhang, Richard Hartley, and Peter TuAssociation for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence, 2024
- Probabilistic and semantic descriptions of image manifolds and their applicationsPeter Tu, Zhaoyuan Yang, Richard Hartley, Zhiwei Xu, Jing Zhang, Yiwei Fu, Dylan Campbell, Jaskirat Singh, and Tianyu WangFrontiers in Computer Science, volume 5, 2023[ preprint ]
- PMaF: deep declarative layers for principal matrix featuresZhiwei Xu, Hao Wang, Yanbin Liu, and Stephen GouldInternational Conference on Machine Learning Workshop, 2023
- Towards understanding gradient approximation in equality constrained deep declarative networksStephen Gould, Ming Xu, Zhiwei Xu, and Yanbin LiuInternational Conference on Machine Learning Workshop, 2023
- Exploiting problem structure in deep declarative networks: two case studiesStephen Gould, Dylan Campbell, Itzik Ben-Shabat, Chamin Hewa Koneputugodage, and Zhiwei XuAssociation for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence Workshop, 2022
- ViLESS: least squares on sphere for video classificationHao Wang, Zhiwei Xu, and Stephen GouldTechnical Report, 2021
- DDDNet-V2: towards unsupervised depth estimation via dual-pixel sensorLiyuan Pan, Zhiwei Xu, Liu Liu, Yan Yang, Miaomiao Liu, and Richard HartleyTechnical Report, 2021
- Refining semantic segmentation with superpixel by transparent initialization and sparse encoderZhiwei Xu, Thalaiyasingam Ajanthan, and Richard HartleyarXiv:2010.04363, 2020
- RANP: resource aware neuron pruning at initialization for 3D CNNsZhiwei Xu, Thalaiyasingam Ajanthan, Vibhav Vineet, and Richard HartleyInternational Conference on 3D Vision, pages 180-189, 2020 (Oral)[ preprint | code | long version | slides | best student paper ]
- Fast and differentiable message passing on pairwise Markov random fieldsZhiwei Xu, Thalaiyasingam Ajanthan, and Richard HartleyAsian Conference on Computer Vision, pages 523-540, 2020 (Oral)
- Interesting components detection for space satellites from ISAR image via feature probabilistic estimationZhiwei Xu, Lei Zhang, Mengdao Xing, Karen M. von Deneen, and Lei RanIET Image Processing, 9(6), pages 506-515, 2015[ paper ]
- Precise cross-range scaling for ISAR images using feature registrationZhiwei Xu, Lei Zhang, and Mengdao XingIEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 11(10), pages 1792-1796, 2014[ paper ]
- A fast BP algorithm with wavenumber spectrum fusion for highresolution spotlight SAR imagingLei Zhang, Haolin Li, Zhijun Qiao, and Zhiwei XuIEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 11(9), pages 1460-1464, 2014[ paper ]
- Multiview ISAR image fusion using motion estimation and nonnegative matrix factorizationZhiwei Xu, Lei Zhang, Mengdao Xing, and Jia DuanTechnical Report, 2014
- Uniform rotational motion compensation for ISAR targets from image domainZhiwei Xu, Lei Zhang, Mengdao Xing, and Gang XuIEEE China Summit & International Conference on Signal and Information Processing, pages 166-170, 2014 (Oral)[ paper ]
- Azimuth scaling for ISAR images with feature registrationZhiwei Xu, Lei Zhang, and Mengdao XingIEEE International Congress on Image and Signal Processing, pages 1568-1572, 2013 (Oral)[ paper ]
- Component detection using local feature registrationZhiwei Xu, Lei Zhang, and Mengdao XingAnnual Radar Conference of Xidian University, pages 57-66, 2013 (Paper Proceedings)
- CN 2014SR012993, System of ISAR data and images processingZhiwei Xu, Lei Zhang, Darong Huang, and Mengdao Xing
- CN 201310647712.8, Cross-range scaling based on image feature for ISAR imagesLei Zhang, Zhiwei Xu, Mengdao Xing, Jia Duan, and Gang Xu
- CN 201310648787.8, Components detection for ISAR targets by local feature registrationLei Zhang, Zhiwei Xu, Mengdao Xing, Qi Dong, and Min Wu
- CN 201410218699.9, Recognition of satellite panel in ISAR images by sum of Gaussian probabilitiesLei Zhang, Zhiwei Xu, Min Wu, Qi Dong, and Mengdao Xing
- CN 201410445675.7, ISAR images fusion based on target's characteristicsLei Zhang, Zhiwei Xu Xu, and Mengdao Xing
- CN 201410106245.2, Super-resolution imaging for full Pol-SAR by sectional compressive sensingLei Zhang, Min Wu, Zhiwei Xu, Jia Duan, and Mengdao Xing
- CN 201310653886.5, Decomposition and reconstruction of ISAR targets by central characteristics modelLei Zhang, Qi Dong, Yinghui Quan, Zhiwei Xu, and Gang Xu
- CN 201310655227.5, Range aligning for ISAR data by linear estimation of polynomialsLei Zhang, Qi Dong, Yinghui Quan, Zhiwei Xu, and Gang Xu
- Guest lecturer for Advanced Topics in Computer Vision (ENGN8503), ANU, 2021, 2022, 2023
- Reviewer or program committee for TPAMI, GRSL, CVPR, ECCV, NeurIPS, ACCV, ICML, AAAI, ANU 2021-2023 Computing honours thesis
- Convenor for ANU-CVML reading group, 2021-2022, and ANU AI+ML+Friends seminar, 2022-2023
- Best student paper, international conference on 3D vision, 2020
- Data61 PhD scholarship, 2017-2021
- Data61 research project award, 2017-2021
- ANU HDR fee remission merit scholarship, 2017-2021
- Outstanding graduate thesis at Xidian University (5 out of 3000 graduate students), 2015
- Outstanding graduate student at Xidian University (highest honor of postgraduate), 2015
- National graduate scholarship (top 2% in the school), 2014
- Outstanding postgraduate at Xidian University (top 5% in the school), 2014
- Outstanding postgraduate at Xidian University, 2013
- Outstanding student at Elitist School of Huaqiao University, 2011
- First-class academic scholarship at Huaqiao University, 2010
- Programming: PyTorch, Python, MATLAB, CUDA, C and C++, Git, Linux, LaTex, CAD, FPGA, Quartus, FEKO
- Spare: swimming, hiking, pets (fishes, dog, cat, rabbits, snakes, lizard, birds, tortoises, silkworms, etc.)